Sinners and Saints Read online

Page 5

  At the seminar, what I have told you tonight, is what we tell everyone. Essentially they are free. Free to be who they want to be. Free of evil clutches and plans out of their control. From this point, we give them choices. They can go to school, get a degree or take training to gain a new skill, they can leave and go back to their families or they can join our fight. All of these options come with being reunited with family if they choose, do not mistake that. Once a girl is saved what she does is up to her, but not until they are better. I refuse to let a girl hooked on something leave these confines without supervision. They are allowed after the seminar, to come and go as they please, but with guards only. Addiction is addiction and even though a lot of them were forced to take these drugs so they could be easily controlled, out there, back in the real world, they are left with the nightmares and haunting memories that feed the need for that addiction.”

  “Okay, so I see the method to your madness. I suppose you're right. What happens to these women after the seminar? I mean, as you said, they can't just go back to what they were doing beforehand.”

  “Once they make their choice we set them up accordingly. If they choose to go back to their families, we evaluate them, give them money and take them home with a live in doctor to help them with anxiety and things of that nature. These doctors are people they trust and feel safe with, who will also accompany them for quite a while. They are given enough money that if they choose to or are too scared, at first, to be around strangers and cannot work, they can have what they need besides just the basics― food, clothing, roof over their heads.

  If they decide to go back to school or to pick up a trade, we enroll them in private classes that they attend here in the Academy Center. I have highly paid instructors in every field of study. They are in a controlled, safe environment where they can grow back into their own skin and rebuild their confidence in themselves and the outside world.

  If they choose to help our cause by bringing down those who would enslave men, woman and children into the trafficking venue, we welcome them with open arms and send them to the Training Center where they will be taught all the skills they need. They will learn every language on the planet, they will learn every culture, how to dress, how to talk and how to act as well as defend themselves in any given situation. They will know how to gauge a situation accurately, so they have the highest chances of success in completing their mission. Some are trained to work in the field, as I am, and others are trained to work here during 'transition' like Mrs. Travine and Lissa, both whom were saved.”

  “Okay, so you said you were sinner and saint, I see the 'Saint' part where does the Sinner' part come in? Shady deals?”

  “Think back, what did I do to Mr. Falken and his men?”

  She didn't have to think long, she could see it pictured in her mind when the question surfaced.

  “You killed them.” She shook her head. “It might be 'vigilante' to think so, but I would say they deserved no less. As you mentioned to me yesterday, I was the lucky one, but I saw those girls in that room with me and I remember what they said. The images of what they had to do mixed with the thought that I would have to go through that, will give me nightmares for a long time.”

  “Well the law sees it differently and it should, but I can't bring myself to leave them alive knowing as soon as I leave they will hit the streets once more. I am a firm believer in violence should be avoided when it can and you should only fight or kill if you have to, but on the flip-side of that coin should the 'have to' present itself, you should be committed to do so in order to save your own life and those of your family. Each of these enslaved people, I see as family because they need love and help and in the places they are they have neither. There are many who disagree with my methods which is why whatever avenue any of you choose, what you were told just now must stay secret.”

  “I won't say anything. It would be shame to have this shut down because the cops caught wind of it.”

  “You need not fear that. I was caught once a couple of years ago. The local PD in the town I was in asked me about what I did since they’d seen me murder someone, and I did. They had no choice, but to charge me, and so they did. However, mysteriously my paperwork got 'lost' and 'misplaced' for weeks. Finally I was visited by a man in a dark suit. That man is the financial backer for this whole foundation. He had caught wind I was in jail and immediately hopped on a plane and flew to my location to rescue me.”

  “So in return for saving you...”

  “No. He saved me because my operation saved his friend's daughters. After he paid for all of that to go away, which the county was perfectly fine with, and several members are a part of this now, he took me to his house and we began plans to build this fortress. We scoped out many places, but this one was perfect. The land is enormous, I think it’s something like seventy square miles. We bought a town that had been leveled by a tornado. We came in afterward, said we were with the insurance companies and bought everyone out. Then we slapped up secure walls and started building. From the sky it looks like a town, one that is locked away from the world, but a town none the less.”

  “Wow. How much money does this guy have? I mean trying to run a guesstimated total based on what you have said and the number has way too many zeroes.”

  “Money will never be an object, he works in intelligence.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “And not just for the U.S., but our allies as well.”


  Mr. Buchanan stopped pacing and sat at the table across from her. “Do you have any questions?”

  “Wait, that claiming business? What exactly were you talking about?”

  “You are a perfect candidate to join our team. You have a very high survival need, you are already ahead of the game in the fact that you would train in the upper class in the defense due to your knowledge of combat skills. This last part will sound harsh, but please don't take offense, you have no family. Your file says your family was killed in a boating accident a few years back and you would have died too, but were abroad expanding your studies instead of going with them.”

  “Now, I have a secret to tell.”

  Chapter 11

  Vylette took a deep breath, preparing to tell the one thing that had always been instilled in her to keep secret at all costs. Given what she had just been told, if it were all true, and by the amount of information she had seen, she was pretty sure it was, this man needed to know who he had saved and all that went with it. It was time.

  Now or never. Here goes.

  “My parents and brothers didn't die in a boating accident and I was not abroad studying. That was fabricated and added to the file later. I was with my uncle, who also works in intelligence. I have not spoken to my family in about six months with the exception of my Uncle. The accident was-”

  Her words were cut off as the commotion just outside the door grew louder and closer. The sentential behind her repositioned himself and pulled his weapon. She was pulled out of the way and behind Mr. Buchanan just before the door burst open. She sidestepped to see who had came in. There stood a big mountain of man, red faced and angry, obviously ready to commit murder. His eyes were dark and narrowed, worry lines were like a map on his face and his breathing was labored and heavy. After the initial shock of his presence, she realized she recognized him and nearly dropped to her knees. Her voice mixed with Mr. Buchanan's as they both addressed the man.

  “Mr. Blackstone.”


  Mr. Buchanan and the guard stared at her and said, “Uncle?”

  She ran to her uncle and fell into his arms, squeezing him tight. Her uncle's soft words filled her ears, and she could swear she felt tear drops wet her hair.

  “Thank heavens you are alright. I was fixing to order a murder,” her uncle pointed out, relief in his voice.

  “Well, if it weren't for Mr. Buchanan, I probably wouldn't be.” She pulled away a little and looked at his face.

  “How did you
know I had gone missing?”

  “Well for one, you didn't call me on Saturday, but I let that go and assumed maybe you were out with friends, but then yesterday, I got a call from your phone from a some girl named―”


  “Yes, that is her. How did you know?”

  “I was supposed to meet her yesterday.”

  “She said that you told her that if anything ever happened to get your back up phone and call the number on it and ask for the Master Fisherman. I asked her to tell me what happened. She said the last time she’d seen you was Saturday night. You were supposed to meet up for lunch Sunday, but you never showed. She went on to say that, the reason she knew something had happened was because you were a stickler for being on time and keeping appointments. So, since you didn't show, she knew something was wrong.”

  “See, being on time all the time has its advantages. Go, Macie. When did she call you?”

  “I got her call twenty minutes ago. I rushed over here to give Mr. Buchanan an urgent mission, but I see you already have her. I am happy as hell to see she's okay, but please tell me what happened. Did you join him and forget to tell me or were you...”

  She saw his face darken and something unlike her uncle swam in his eyes, fear and insanity.

  He looks like he would for real kill someone, right now.


  She sat in the nearby chair and explained what happened.

  “I was taken early Sunday morning when I was heading to the gym to work out before lunch. It was still dark out. College students have a key card to a 'student' door behind the gym because it stays open twenty-four hours for students and not the public. I parked my car and got out. They grabbed me while I was swiping my card. I know what you taught me, Uncle and I failed. I was still half asleep and not paying attention.”

  “Well, since you are in good hands now I will refrain from grilling you on what happens when you let your guard down. I think maybe you got the lethal version of that lesson.” Her uncle turned his attention to Mr. Buchanan. “Tell me of the mission that included her rescue.”

  She could see the tension coming off Dorrian in waves as he retold the events. She knew her uncle intimidated people, she’d just never seen it live and in color before. It was fascinating and for Mr. Buchanan, kind of scary.

  “It was like the rest. Pretty simple. We made contact with Falken and set up a meeting to see the girls. I brought the money case as proof and in two days time we had the second meeting to view the girls. Myself, Lewis, Brams, Devons and Leon, accompanied Falken to his meeting suite. While we were there, as protocol suggests the rest of the guard team went in and killed Falken's men. After the women were brought in for the 'viewing', the team carved the logo of the severed head and serpent on the door to let me know it was done. However, two of Falken's men had arrived when I did with Vylette in tow. Mr. Falken told me he had a new girl I needed to see. I told him to bring her in, as the contract was for all of his girls. He complied with my orders. A few minutes later, she was brought in and I have had her ever since. I swear to you, if I had known she belonged to you, I would have called you straight away, sir.”

  “Did you complete the mission?”

  “He and all his men are dead, yes.”

  “Good. Good.”

  Her uncle turned to her and asked the question she was considering herself. “So, Vylette, are you going to join our cause? I never wanted you in this life, but since you were brought in anyway, I think you would be an asset to this team.”

  Chapter 12

  Vylette looked around the room, all eyes were on her, expectant, waiting for an answer. Mr. Buchanan and her uncle, looked hopeful and the guard, Lewis stood quiet, but smiling. She always hated being put on the spot because it always made her sweat and the perspiration dotting her skin let everyone else in the room know she was nervous too. She didn't eye a clock in the room, but she swore she heard it ticking away the seconds as her mind raced, working through all the information she had been given.

  “Okay, first I have two questions. Mr. Buchanan, why is your mark that ugly ass snake?”

  He laughed. “Of all the things I told you, that is your question?”

  “Look, given how I was raised with my whole family and their 'James Bond' kind of lifestyle, and what I have seen the last few days, what you have told me is easy enough to wrap my head around. I am used to crazy outlandish mission type stuff, but I just can't wrap my head around the snake. An angel, a star of hope or something like that as your mark, I could understand, but that snake...I just don't understand it.”

  Deep chuckles rumbled through the room.

  “Think about it, Vylette. In my business, how threatening does an angel or a star look? Hmm? That snake does exactly what it’s supposed to. One, it lets the local cops know to not look so deep into the murders and second, it looks twisted and disturbing, letting all the others in that business know that they have one helluva adversary. It is a warning to those in this business that someone is out to take them down. However, none of these people I do business with connect me with that mark. Does that answer your question?”

  Smiling, she said, “For now.” She turned back to the guard. “My next question is for you. Why are you smiling? This is the first time I have seen you do such a thing.”

  Lewis' smile grew bigger, showing a bit of teeth. “Because I know your answer and you haven't even completely committed to your mind anyway. It is written all over your face what you feel in your heart.”

  Sighing, she dropped into the chair and ran her hand across her face. “Okay, so say I do join this cause, exactly what would I be doing? I mean, I am all for taking down these scumbags who would do such vile things, but I just want to be fully aware of what I am getting into.”

  Mr. Buchanan and her uncle took seats across from her, her uncle grabbed her hand in a soothing manner.

  “Vylette, make no mistake, this is a rewarding business...when we win. It is also very dangerous and very deadly. I won't sugarcoat it for you. We have lost good people before, now, it has been very rare because we are very careful and we stick with the rules, but I won't lie and tell you that you won't be putting yourself in danger. You will...”

  Dorrian Buchanan chimed in. “It is dangerous, Vylette, but remember what I said, you will not go out on any missions until you have been properly trained. The training is intense, and will push you to your limits, but so will the missions. That is why we put you through so much, to make sure you can handle the stress.”

  “Sweetheart, I know that you can do this and you would be a wonderful asset to this team, but if you for a second think you can't do this, don't!”

  She felt the tears slowly falling from her cheeks. “Uncle, I want to help though. I know I can do this, just the thought of being put through what these women went through scares the hell out of me.”

  Lewis for the first time, interrupted and became more than just a guard.

  “Vylette, that is what us guards are for. I have an idea, how about if Mr. Buchanan takes you down and shows you the Academy? What we do and what he expects...”

  “That's a great idea, Lewis. Vylette, perhaps if you seen just how extensive the training is you can make a better decision.”

  She thought about that for a moment and weighed her options. Wiping the tears from her face, she said, “Let's do it. I really want to do this... It's not that I don't believe you when you say you will keep me protected... In my mind it makes perfect sense, but my heart...”

  She turned to Lewis. “See you had it backwards. In my mind I said yes, it was my heart that is not so sure.”

  The guard’s face got really close, he smiled and whispered, “No, Echo, it is you who are confused. You'll see.”

  She looked back across the table. “Okay, I want to see the Academy. But if I decide to do this, which I probably will, I want Lewis as one of my bodyguards. When I say Body guard, I mean, he is never more than a few inches away from me

  Both her Uncle and Mr. Buchanan gave a final and slightly cheerful answer. “Done!”

  Chapter 13

  The Academy looked just as she expected, it was very Star Trek meets military training. From the secret pin plus swipe card keypad to enter the building to the touch screen pads along the wall attached to the different workout machines. She stood in the middle of a 'command' center type room. The walls were lined with flat screen TVs, each showing something different. Some displayed maps with blinking dots, some showed stats on people using the workout equipment, while the ones which were attached to desks arranged throughout the room, held what looked like mug-shot pictures along with information on whereabouts and last seen locations. Vylette was in definite awe of the place.

  Dorrian's voice sounded behind her, startling her. “What do you think so far?”

  She spun and looked at him. “What do I think? I am half expecting James Bond or Jason Bourne to walk through that door. I have never seen such a place before. What is all of this? You have TVs on the wall, lights and beeping noises coming from everything and this desk, I guess it's a desk, with this high tech map, is just mind boggling to me.”

  “Okay, let me walk you through it. First off, this room is the tracking and information room. To the left, this wall full of TV screens with the 'country' maps is of countries we have agents working, each dot shows the location of the agent. See the small number here next to the dot? That number identifies which agent, and the light blinks to indicate that their tracking devices are active and working.”

  “So, blinking lights is good then?”

  “Yes, very. If it stops blinking, we have problems.”

  “Such as?”

  “Could be the tracker was damaged, or something is interfering with the reception, which hardly ever is the case, or it could be the agent has been killed.”