Sinners and Saints Page 3
Mrs. Travine pointed in her direction and she returned the gesture with a glare.
“What's wrong with her?” he asked.
“She is clearly unhappy and upsets the other girls with her outbursts. I think we may have to tell her...”
Tell me what?
She scooted as far away from the loud hair dryer roaring in her ear, straining to hear the rest of the comments from the two people who knew what was going on. Irritated, she slapped the pink contraption of noise out of the girls hand and got up from the chair.
“The truth about what? What is going on around here and why can't I just go home?”
Well damn, Mr. tall, dark and full of money has a charming smile full of the 3-D white teeth and a smooth deep voice, the type of voice that drove her crazy. He had to be sexy too?
“Please, if you will bear with us. I know how scared and alone you must feel, but I assure you it is not what you think and you have nothing to fear here...”
“Then why can't I leave? I just...” her emotions reached their peak and broke the damn. She did something she had never done in front of people before, without being in pain, she cried. Real tears fell from her eyes.
“...I just want to go home. Please, just let me go home.”
Mrs. Travine felt like a warm blanket when she wrapped her in her arms, Mr. Buchanan lowered his voice and stepped forward.
“I beg you. If you can just hold on for today, all will be explained tomorrow. I promise you. You will not suffer here and I will not ever send you to be someone's play thing. That is not what we do here. Please, I beg you, stay calm for today and do what Mrs. Travine asks of you, I assure you it is nothing out of your comfort zone and in the morning, you will know why you are here.”
She lifted her tearful eyes toward the man before her and her entire impression of him changed. When she looked at him, she saw his heart break. It was written in the lines of his face, the frown upon his lips and the tears that filled his eyes. She leaned into the warmth of his hand when he touched her face and whispered.
“I swear to you I would never hurt any of you.”
In that moment, she knew he was telling the truth. She saw it in his face and she felt it in his touch. Her breath caught in her chest when she realized it and she threw her arms around the man and cried like a baby in his arms. His soft murmurs in her ear were the sounds of angels and she clung to it for dear life. He was truly the light in her darkened tunnel, and peace filled her being as he hugged her close, letting her get it all out. He let her stay as long as she needed, never rushing her healing.
All things must come to an end, and she stepped back wiping her face with her hands.
“I’m sorry.”
“Please, do not be sorry, ever! There is no need for it. It is expected in your situation.”
She watched him as he spoke. Although he looked no more in age than her, mid twenties to late twenties, she swore she watched him get older in those few moments. His dark business like hair seemed to get a bit lighter, his broad shoulders seemed to slump slightly and his perfect complexion extended a few lines, but it was his eyes that changed the most, which were dark penetrating gray eyes the first time she met him, grew a shade or two darker.
His words finally made their way into her mind and she shook her head in understanding.
“I will do what Mrs. Travine asks.”
“Thank you. Are you going to be okay? I have some other things that need attending.”
She wiped her face free of tears once more, “Yes. Thank you for talking to me.”
“One more thing, please do not be angry with any of these women, none of them are allowed to say anything to any of girls. That too, will be explained tomorrow.”
Her eyes slid to Mrs. Travine and she smiled.
Mrs. Travine hadn't come right out and told her anything of importance, but she had tried to comfort her by hinting that the situation wasn’t what it looked like.
Her eyes back on the man before her. “I won't.”
She bid him farewell and watched him walk away, and unbeknownst to him, with her heart in his suit pocket. Mrs. Travine's voice pulled her attention away from the stranger and back to her.
“Shall we get your hair ready?”
She turned to the woman, “Yes, I suppose. I still don't know what is going on, but thank you for being kind and trying to ease my worries.”
Mrs. Travine smiled, patting her hand and what came out of her mouth shocked her. “It's alright dear, I understand. I do. I don't advertise this much, but two years ago I was right where you are now. Mr. Buchanan helped me as well...and that is all I can tell you on that front.”
Smiling, Vylette said, “Fair enough. Let's get my hair done.” She started to walk off and turned back. “Why am I getting my hair done?”
“All I can tell you is that is for a photo shoot...which you are running late for.”
“Okay. I'm going.”
“Will you be okay to be left with Lissa while I go check on the photographer?”
“Yes, I won't cause any trouble, I promised, remember.”
“Alright then. You get your hair and face done and I will be back in a few to get you.”
She waved and walked back to the stylist and her waiting chair. Lissa stood with a smile on her face and the remains of tears in her eyes, but said nothing.
“I suppose make it look nice, Lissa.”
“Can do, sweetie. I can do your make up to if you would like.”
“That would be great.”
Vylette got comfy in the oversized style chair, closed her eyes and let Lissa work her magic.
Chapter 7
“I am done.” Filled her ears followed by a soft nudge in the arm. She opened her eyes and was face to face with the perky smiling stylist.
“You looked like you needed some rest, so I just did your make up while you napped.”
“Thank you. How do I look?”
“See for yourself.”
Lissa moved her upright and spun her to face the mirror. The reflection showed a young woman with long spiral brown hair, big dark eyes highlighted in neutral colors with glossy full lips. She barely recognized herself. She could feel the amount of make up on her face, but it looked as if she were barely wearing any.
“Wow, you're a miracle worker, Lissa.”
“Not really. I had good features to work with. Now, come on, I think Mrs. Travine is on her way.”
“Thank you, and I am sorry for earlier.”
“Don't worry about it, hun, I was brought in with Mrs. Travine. Everyone here is so willing to help because we have all been where you are— scared, alone and confused. It does get better I promise.”
She shot her gaze to the tiny woman. “What is your story?”
Lissa just smiled and shook her head. “Nice try, but until after tomorrow I can't tell you.”
“Okay, tell me this, does everyone here have the same story?”
“No, and that's all I am saying. Now, get out of that chair, here comes Mrs. Travine.”
She had just gotten her feet on the floor when Mrs. Travine's pleasant face came into view.
“You look very nice.”
“Thank you.”
“Are you ready for the shoot?”
“I guess as ready as I can be.”
“Well then, shall we go?”
She motioned with her arm. “After you.”
Still not knowing what was to come and the overwhelming need to get home, she felt a bit safer. The flames of what she thought were to be her hell, slowly faded, leaving a small space of peace. As she followed Mrs. Travine through the huge enclosure, walking through this door and that to get to different places, she looked at the lavish place with new eyes. Where she once saw shadows of deceit that lurked in dark corners, she now only saw empty spaces. For the first time since she arrived, her eyes didn't roam every nook and cranny expecting potential Johns or worse to jump out and grab her and her heart
slipped into a pace of just above normal.
I am happy I am not going to be thrown out for the pleasure of some unknown hard on, but I still can't wait to get home. If Mr. Buchanan is telling the truth, tomorrow I will find out when that day will be.
The flashing of lights was a dead giveaway that they had made it to the shooting area. There was a cute tiny brunette posing playfully for the camera in the far corner, the short paunchy photographer murmured commands and constantly flicked his camera. This room, like the others was enormous, but plain in comparison. There was little furniture and no windows. Shields, blinds and camera props split the room in two. The backside where she stood, was made into a small waiting area while the rest of this half, was devoted to storing anything a photographer needed and the other half was dedicated to the picture area. Mrs. Travine's quiet, sweet voice caught her attention.
“Have a seat, Christoph will be with you in a few moments.”
Taking a seat on the plush couch, Vylette said, “Thank you.” She reached out and stopped the woman from leaving.
“Where do I go from here? You know, when I am finished.”
“Back to your room to change into the workout outfit that is lying on your bed. When you have that on, hit the speaker button and I will show you to the gym. You will be attending a workout-self defense class.”
“Okay...Um...Speaker button? I admit I wasn't paying attention, but where is that located?”
“There are several actually. You have one by the door, one by your bed just above the nightstand and one in your bathing room.”
“Oh, uh...okay. Thank you.”
“Anytime. I will be here if you need anything. I am the one assigned to you.”
“Hold on, assigned? What does that mean?”
“It means I am responsible for helping you with...anything you might need to be comfortable here. Speaking of which, how is the rib?”
“As long as I don't move too much or too fast, it’s okay.”
“Wonderful. After you passed out last night, I snuck in and applied some topical medicine to help you feel better. It helps with pain and speeds up healing. Just so you know the rib is just bruised not cracked.”
“Uh...thank you...I think. I mean I am grateful for the help, but at the same time it’s kinda creepy you were in my room while I was sleeping.”
“Actually, Vylette, I was in your room almost all night, watching over you.”
Scratching her head, “You were, why?”
“When you arrived yesterday, you were hurt. Mr. Buchanan said you had been beaten and were cradling your ribs, so I stayed and watched over you to be sure you were alright. You could have had internal bleeding.”
“Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better since you were more like a nurse than a warden.”
“I assure you, it was for your own safety.”
“I believe you.” She narrowed her eyes a moment later and asked, “Oh hey, how did you know my name? I don't remember telling any of you.”
“You didn't, but we know quite a bit about you.”
Before she could question the women further, she left with a coy smile on her face.
“Next!” Sounded from behind her and she turned to see Christoph motioning her forward. “Today, lady! I have much to do.”
She rushed over and stood where he indicated.
“First, you will be sitting behind this desk...”
She had just enough time to catch the suit jacked he tossed to her before the buttons pelted her in the eye.
“...Put this on. This first set is for a professional look. Slip on the coat and have a seat. Smile and think of a real estate agent or something and own that look.”
As fast as she could, she threw on the coat and did as she was told.
Flash after flash, outfit change after outfit change, she smiled, posed and stood statue still as the hours went on. Finally after scenes from 'office work' to 'club night' the shoot was over and she was changing back into the jeans and shirt she started with. Christoph approached her with his hand out.
“It was nice working with you. You have been one of the easiest and most photogenic girls I have ever shot and I thank you for that. Makes this go a lot smoother.”
She shook his hand. “Thank you and your welcome. To be honest, I just wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. I have never been a ham for the camera.”
“Really? Well you worked like a pro. I have more photos to take so I will see you later.”
With that, she stood staring at his back as he motioned on the next girl and went about his work. Taking one last look, she turned and headed back through the maze to find her room and onto the next activity.
One step closer to finding out the truth and getting the hell out of here.
Chapter 8
She was just rounding the corner to head up the stairs when she ran head long into Mr. Buchanan.
“Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Buchanan. I was...”
A sliver of heat swam across her skin when his hands held her in place to keep her from falling. Her heart, jockeying for a faster rhythm, had her head almost spinning and her mind went numb and stupid when her eyes met his. Her words swirled in her brain looking for the connection to get to her mouth, but all speech failed her. The next second, he released her and she went from idiot to sane as her mind and mouth found the right path and her heart went back to normal.
What the hell?
His smile, bright and friendly, threatened to steal her sanity once more. If not for his voice she would melted into a pool of goo around his feet.
“Are you alright?”
“Y-yes.” She took a step back and a breath. “I was in a hurry and I wasn't paying attention.”
“Same here. Where are you off to?”
“My room. I have to change and go to the gym.”
“Oh, self defense class. Great! Do you mind if I walk you to your room?”
“Wonderful. Lead the way.”
My God, I can feel the heat radiating off him. Is he smuggling a heater in that suit, geez.
She took the steps carefully as he sidled in next to her, matching her pace.
“Are you feeling better? Earlier in the salon...I know you said...I just wanted to be sure.”
“For now. If it turns out you're lying to me, I have to warn you it will be a lot worse.”
“Sounds fair. Are you getting along well with Mrs. Travine?”
“Yes. Since our little chat anyway.”
“You know, I assigned her to you for a reason.”
“Why is that? Did she do something wrong? Did she need punishing?”
His laugh was deep and soft in his chest and sounded completely normal given the circumstances. She looked at him as he spoke and noticed the light flicker back into his eyes as the conversation went on.
“No, quite the opposite. I assigned her to you because of the way I saw you act when I first got you. I didn't need to see the bruises and blood on you to know you have a fighter spirit. Mrs. Travine was the very same way. She got it a lot worse and for much longer than you did, but she never caved and she never quit trying to escape, even after she got here. It's funny, she is the reason we have such good security.”
“Really? I am sorry to hear that she endured such a thing. She seems so mild, I wouldn't have guessed. Does she know that you are telling me this? I mean, I don't want to say anything...”
“She is perfectly fine with me sharing it with you. Do you know she came to me last night and begged me to let her tell you the truth. Out of all the sixty-five women we have here, you are the luckiest one. You are not hooked on anything, you haven't been forced to do things even the devil would say 'yea, that's just wrong' and you are not permanently disfigured. You were very lucky I showed up when I did.”
“I agree that I am very fortunate to have not been subjected to the things these other women have, but what does that have to do with telling me the truth?”
use when we brought you in, you were lucid, still full of hope and life. A lot of these girls are so beaten down that their souls are shredded and torn and the only thing they hope for is a quick death to release them from the hell they are living.”
She stopped just outside her door and turned to face him.
“I still don't understand? What do you have planned for us? I mean you saved us from that hell, but to what end? You told me to trust you, but you haven't let me leave either.”
Again she lost her breath when he reached and placed a hand on her cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb.
“Tomorrow. You will understand tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow. Why can't you just tell me now?”
“I am sorry. All is not in place just yet.”
“And....What? A moonbeam will shine in just the right angle on a frogs ass and all will be right with world?”
There it was, the fullness of shine in his eyes when he smiled and laughed at her joke.
“That is a new one. I love it. Please, just be a bit more patient. I know it’s frustrating now, but tomorrow you will understand and yes, all will be right with the world...even for you.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine. Don't take this the wrong, it’s nice and all here, but whatever gets me the hell out of here.”
“No offense taken. Now off to change before you are late. I will let Mrs. Travine know you are about ready.”
Mr. Buchanan headed down the stairs and after taking a last look, she went into her room.
Chapter 9
The gym was full of girls and a few young men, all dressed just like her in tight fitting, but movable, workout clothes. Just as in any gym, they were lined across the room facing the body builder of woman giving a speech.
“...I don't know all of your stories, but I do know that you have all been brought here from bad situations. This class is designed to not only get you in shape, but to teach you some basic moves that might save your life if you are ever approached in that manner again. I am aware that some of you, due to excruciating circumstances may not want to be touched or 'attacked' even in a mock fashion and that is perfectly alright. If any of you feel that way, you may take a seat on the bench along the back wall and just watch until you feel comfortable enough to join in. We are here to help you heal.”